Why Rust Check?
Because corrosive salt and damaging moisture penetrates unprotected metals and seep into inner panel seams, leaving behind corrosive contaminants that can destroy metal over time. This residue not only affects the appearance of your vehicle, but can also attack the joints and spot welds that hold your vehicle together. The result is your vehicle that looks good eventually become unsafe.
Typically so called; "rust proofing" methods using sealants such as tars and waxes are not effective in the battle against corrosion. They're too thick to effectively seep into the areas where corrosion begins. In fact, some sealants actually "trap in" unwanted moisture and accelerate the corrosion process.
Rust check creeps into the seams and crevices where salts and moisture settle, driving them off and away from the metal surfaces of your vehicle.
Rust Check originally developed for the aerospace industry, Rust check is a clean, specially formulated blend of chemicals which when applied under pressure, becomes a highly concentrated mist that bonds to metal and dispels moisture. It also acts as an insulator to arrest corrosion between dissimilar metals. Rust Check contains active chemicals with a unique penetrating ability that allows it to reach hairline cracks, welded seams and crevices to form a protective barrier against rust .